“i saw the best minds of my generation destroyed

by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging

themselves through the negro streets at dawn 

looking for an angry fix…”    

— howl, by allen ginsberg 

it was almost practically an honest-to-god fact … 

(all the older cool guys confirmed it) 

& we could all recite all those well-known anecdotes 

seething with that rebel-without-a-cause wildness

the same walk-on-the-wild-side jazz we’d seek out in 

the breathless teen-angst movies like  

joy ride… & party crashers

“a single aspirin swigged down 

with a mouthful of coca-cola 

will render you staggeringly, 

knocked-on-your-ass drunk” 

one medicine show demonstration: a normally

“sober” & “respectable” older kid rapidly developing 

outrageously slurred speech patterns & flopping with 

histrionic helplessness on the playground lawn 

where he was reduced to a giggling, 

gravity-pinned, dying cockroach 

impaled on its back: proof-positive

so later, in the sanctuary of my room, 

after surreptitiously gulping down the  

deliciously-illicit white pill with a glass of Coke 

(which, as anyone could tell you, can completely 

dissolve a steel spike left in it over night!) 

& waiting over an hour for the magic… 

nothing… happened! 

boy, was i ever pissed! it was just like that time  

I swallowed the chokecherries & drank the 

glass of milk, which everybody swore 

would kill you… but it never did. 

it just tasted bad. 

i didn’t even get sick! 

I thought, face it:  

there’s no magic in this world— 

only lies 

Published by

tom lyford

Born 7/14/1946 in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, USA. Graduated from Foxcroft Academy in 1964 and Farmington State College in 1968. Maine High School English teacher for 34 years. Published 5 poetry chapbooks, 2 full-length poetry collections, and 2 memoirs. Had several hobbies besides writing including amateur radio, computer programming, photography, playing guitar, dramatics, reading, podcasting, blogging, and public speaking.

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